Monday, November 8, 2010

PWC's xTax xTREME Case Competition

A map of the imaginary country the case is set in.

Every year, PWC runs a case competition on campus. At Fordham, we participate in xTax, where groups of 5 and are given a case to analyze over the course of 2 weeks. At the end of those two weeks, each group gives a live presentation of their results to a panel of judges, including partners of the accounting firm.

You don't have to know a lot about tax or even accounting to participate--most of the analysis comes from figuring out a unique suggestion to address the case presented. You get to choose your own team, work in the mode you choose, and it doesn't even affect your coursework grades (well, not negatively, at least).

While this competition is entirely voluntary (although some accounting professors will give you extra credit for participating), 20 teams competed this year. This year, the topic was eCommerce and the taxation issues that follow close behind it.

As a participant, I found xTax to be something very different from normal coursework. It fosters a unique environment of both competition and cooperation. Despite the hard work (living and breathing the case for almost 2 weeks), I found it to be a great challenge and worthwhile learning experience. Plus, if you win, you are given ample awards. In fact, just for participating, all teams were generously given an Amazon Gift Card. Apropos, no?

There were two winners this year: Team Omada and Team eXemptions. (I was lucky enough to be on the latter team.)

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